Do you suffer from any of the following?:
Stress | Headaches | Tension | Sleep Deprivation
The treatment of Relax - Ology lasts approximately 50 minutes . This is a mixture of Reflexology, Relaxation and pressure point release.
We start with deep breathing to help relax. Warmed steam towels are then used to offer a gentle foot cleanse, before we move to offering relaxation pressure point release to the feet, this covers the toes, ball of the feet and heel of the feet.
After the relaxing mix of reflexology and foot pressure points, we then move to the shoulder, forehead and scalp to help iron out that tension, tightness and stress. This is performed using relaxing oils , pressure point movements.
The Treatment also offers benefits of:
Slowing down the body and its breathing to a relaxed state | Removing tightness to feet and shoulders | Relaxation in conditions of anxiety and stress